Chapter 3 문장의 종류
1. 평서문
어떤 사실이나 사정을 기술하는 문장을 평서문이라 한다. 평서문은 주어+동사의 어순으로 쓰인다.
The sun rises in the east.
He speaks English.
We have a large house in the country.
They went to the
She will be a great artist.
평서문의 부정형
평서문의 부정형은 not이나 never를 써서 나타낸다.
(1) be동사가 쓰인 평서문의 부정형 : be동사+not
She is kind. → She is not kind.
I am good at math. → I am not good at math.
(2) 조동사가 쓰인 평서문의 부정형 : 조동사+not
He can play the piano. → He cannot play the piano.
You should do your homework. → You should not do your homework.
(3) 일반동사가 쓰인 평서문의 부정형 : do/does/did not+원형동사
I like music. → I do not like music
Jane loves Tom. → Jane does not love Tom.
They went swimming yesterday. → They did not go swimming yesterday.
▶ Not의 단축형
are not → aren't is not → isn't
was not → wasn't were not → weren't
do not → don't does not → doesn't did not → didn't
can not → can't could not → couldn't
will not → won't would not → wouldn't
▶ Not이나 Never가 쓰이지 않은 부정문 : not이나 never가 쓰인 문장만이 부정문이 아니다. no, nothing, none 등이 쓰인 문장도 부정문이다.
I told nothing about it.
None of them likes Susan.
No one knows what will happen.
2. 의문문
가. 직접의문문
A) Yes-No Question
be동사 또는 조동사로 이루어진 문장
1) 동사를 주어 앞으로 보낸다.
(단, 부정의문문일 때는 not과 결합한 동사를 주어 앞으로 보낸다.)
This seat is taken. → Is this seat taken?
This seat isn't taken. → Isn’t this seat taken?
It can wait. → Can it wait?
It can't wait. → Can't it wait
일반동사로 이루어진 문장
1) 주어 앞에 Do, Does, 또는 Did를 붙인다.
(단, 부정의문문일 때는 Don't, Doesn't, 또는 Didn't를 주어 앞에 붙인다.)
2) 동사를 원형으로 만든다.
She keeps good time. → Does she keep good time?
She doesn't keep good time. → Doesn't she keep good time?
He attended the meeting. → Did he attend the meeting?
He didn't attend the meeting. → Didn't he attend the meeting?
B) WH Question
A. 의문사가 동사 또는 전치사의 목적어인 경우
: Yes/No 의문문 상태에서 모르는 부분을 의문사로 대치하여 문두에 놓는다.
I owe you $30.
→ Do I owe you $30?
→ How much do I owe you? / Whom do I owe $30?
The bus is bound for Joong-Dong.
→ Is the bus bound for Joong-Dong?
→ Where is the bus bound for?
You will do everything for her.
→ Will you do everything for her?
→ What will you do for her?
B. 의문사가 문장의 주어인 경우
: 의문사가 문장의 주어인 경우에는 주어 대신에 의문사를 대치한다.
He is in charge of this department.
→ Is he in charge of this department?
→ Who is in charge of this department?
He is coming to the party.
→ Is he coming to the party?
→ Who is coming to the party?
He broke the window glass.
→ Did he break the window glass?
→ Who broke the window glass?
He will attend the meeting.
→ Will he attend the meeting?
→ Who will attend the meeting?
나. 간접의문문
1) 의문사가 없는 의문문의 경우에는 if나 whether 사용
I wonder if you are a student.
Do you know if he will come here tomorrow?
( Do you know? + Will he come here tomorrow? )
Tell me whether she likes apples. ( Tell me. + Does she like apples? )
2) 의문사가 있는 의문문
Do you know where she lives? ( Do you know? + Where does she live?)
Tell me what he ate. ( Tell me. + What did he eat? )
Do you know where she lived? ( Do you know? + Where did she live? )
* 주의 : 생각과 관련 있는 동사 think, suppose, guess, imagine, believe 등과 같은 동사들이 주절의 동사로 나왔을 경우는 위와 같은 순서로 하되 간접의문문의 의문사는 문장 맨 앞으로 나가야 한다.
What do you think he does? ( Do you think? + What does he do? )
Where do you imagine she lives? ( Do you imagine? + Where does she live?)
How old do you believe she is? ( Do you believe? + How old is she? )
다. 부가 의문문
상대방으로부터 동의를 얻거나, 확인을 기대할 때 부가의문문을 쓰는데, 앞의 진술이 긍정이면 부정의 부가의문문을 쓰고, 앞의 내용이 부정이면 긍정의 부가의문문을 쓰는 것이 원칙이다.
He likes his job, doesn't he?
He doesn't like his job, does he?
Mary recognized you, didn't she?
Mary didn't recognize you, did she?
It's very hot, isn't it?
That's not a bad idea, is it?
The boat hasn't left, has it?
The boat has left, hasn't it?
(1) 명령문의 부가의문문은 일반적으로 "will you?"를 사용한다.
Turn off the radio, will you? 라디오 좀 꺼주겠니?
Don't make a noise, will you? 조용히 좀 해 줄래?
예외. Have a cup of coffee, won't you? (권유의 명령문일 때)
(2) Let's...로 시작하는 문장의 부가의문문은 "shall we?"를 사용한다.
Let's get down to business, shall we?
Let's not discuss it now, shall we?
(3) 감탄문의 부가의문문은 평서문과 동일하다.
How thin she is, isn't she?
3. 명령문
1. 기본적으로 명령문은
2인칭(you)에 대한 것으로,
you를 빼고 동사는 원형으로 바꾼다. 부정명령의 경우에는 동사앞에 Don’t를.
Be kind to old people.
Stop crying.
Don’t tell a lie.
Don’t be afraid
of the dog.
강조를 위해 명령문의 주어 You를 명시할 수도 있다.
You be quiet!
You mind your own business, and leave this to me!
2. Let...으로 시작하는 명령문 : “우리 ~하자” / “~에게 ~하게 해라”는 의미
* Let은 사역동사로 다음에 오는 동사는 원형부정사 사용
Let's have a party.
Let us work hard.
Let me see now.
Let each man decide for himself.
Don't let me disturb you.
Don't let's say anything about it.
Let’s not play
3. 명령문의 강조 : 동사 앞에 Do를.
Do have some more tea.
Do let's go for a walk.
Do be quiet.
참고) 명령문, and/or ~의 구문
(1) 명령문, and ~ (... 해라, 그러면 ~)
Start now, and you will catch the bus.
Come over here, and you will hear the sound.
(2) 명령문, or ~ (... 해라, 그러하지 않으면 ~)
Hurry up, or you’ll be late for school.
Work hard, or you’ll fail in the exam.
4. 감탄문
놀람, 기쁨 등의 감정을 나타내는 문장으로 How 나 What 으로 시작한다
(1) How + 형용사 ( 부사 )+ 주어 + 동사!
How foolish you are!
How fast he runs!
(2) What +( a, an+ 형용사) + 명사 +주어 + 동사!
What a good singer she is!
What lovely weather we have!
(3) 감탄문에서 주어 +동사 생략
How exciting ( the game is )!
What a pretty bird (it is)!
(4) How ~ 감탄문 = What ~ 감탄문
How long this bridge is ! = What a long bridge this is
5. 기원문
(May) God bless you!
주어의 인칭이나 수에 관계없이, 기원문은 동사원형을 사용하며, 조동사 may 는 흔히 생략한다.
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