
영어문법, 4. 주어와 동사의 수 일치

산풀내음 2016. 8. 21. 18:04

Chapter 4 주어와 동사의 수 일치


1. 단수로 취급되는 주어들

: every (every + 단수명사, everyone, everything), each, either of, one, nobody, nothing, anybody, anything, anyone …


Every citizen respects the mayor.

Each has his own car.

I have three sons, and each of them has a special talent.

Either of these trains goes past the city.

Does anybody know?


2. 명사구 또는 절이 주어로 사용될 경우 단수취급


What he said was interesting.

To learn English (= Learning English) is important.


3. 병명 / 학문명 단수취급


Diabetes (당뇨), Measles(홍역)                                               

economics (경제학), mathematics (수학), statistics (통계학), politics (정치학), physics (물리학)


Statistics is not a compulsory subject.


4. (a) few, both, several, many (+ 명사)가 주어로 사용될 경우 복수 취급


A few of the students live off-campus.

Many schools have football teams.


4. 부분 명사 뒤에 오는 명사의 수에 따름


the majority of, the rest of, most of, a lot of(=lots of), 25 percent of, half of, two-thirds of, some of,….


Half of the money is mine.

Half of the passengers are missing.

Lots of fashion models are rashers of wind. (* rasher of wind 말라깽이)

It costs me lots of labor.


Two-thirds of the milk is gone.

Two-thirds of the apples are gone.


Some of the book is boring. (그 책의 일부는 따분하다)

Some of the books are boring. (그 책들 중 일부는 따분하다)


5. 기타 유의해야 할 관용표현들


1) (either) A or B, neither A nor B

Either you or she is to go.


2) not only A but also B = B as well as A

Not only school, but all women’s programs have been stopped.