Chapter 8 동사 (2) – 조동사
1. can
1) 용법상 특징
l 과거형 : was able to Inf(직설법), could(가정법)
l 미래형 : will be able to Inf
2) [가능] ~할 수 있다
Our team can easily beat your team.
3) [허가] ~해도 좋다
You can leave whenever you want. * 회화체에서는 may 보다 일반적
4) [가능성, 추측] ~일 수 있다(긍정문), ~일리가 없다(부정문)
You can get a burn if you are not careful.
It cannot be true.
* She cannot have done such a thing. ( cannot have p.p ; ~했을리가 없다 )
5) [부탁] ~해 주다
You can tell me if I’m wrong. Can you pass me the salt, please?
2. could
1) can의 과거형
I listened closely but could not hear any sound.
I would have made a note if only I could have found a pencil. (가정법)
2) [허가, 부탁] ~하여 주시겠습니까? (can 보다 더 공손한 표현)
Could you come and see me tomorrow?
Could you borrow your pen?
3) could have p.p. ~할 수 있었을 텐데
You could have told me. (말해 주었으면 좋았을 텐데)
I could have danced for joy. (춤을 추고 싶었다)
3. may
1) [허가, 용인] ~해도 좋다
You may go there at any moment.
May I use your phone?
→ No, you may not. (= No, you cann’t) 가벼운 거절
→ No, you must not. 강한 거절
2) [추측, 가능성] ~일지도 모른다
It may be true.
It may be that he will come tomorrow.
* You may have been right. (may have p.p ; ~했을지도 모른다)
3) 관용적 사용
Let’s agree on this proposal so that we may go home safe. (목적,결과를 나타내는 that 절에서 may 사용)
Try as you may, you will not succeed. (양보절에서의 may 사용)
4. will
1) 용법 : 부정형 will not / won’t 과거형 would
2) [미래] ~할 것이다
It will be fine tomorrow.
I will go there tomorrow. (1인칭에서 주어의 의지 반영; 의지미래)
Will you please stop talking?
(2인칭 의문문에서 상대방의 의지를 묻거나 권유를 나타냄)
3) [추측] (아마도) ~ 일 것이다
I am sure she’ll have finished by now.
5. would
1) will의 과거형
2) [과거의 습관; 불규칙] ~하곤 했다.
After lunch he would take a nap.
* It used to be believed that the sun moved round the earth.
(과거의 습관; 언제나 ~했다)
3) [정중한 의뢰나 권유] ~하여 주시겠습니까?
Would you please wait a moment?
Would you like another cup of coffee?
6. shall
1) 용법 : 부정형 shall not / shan’t 과거형 should
2) [미래] ~할 것이다.
When shall we see you again? I hope I shall succeed this time.
I shall go, come what may. (주어의 의지)
3) [명령,규정] ~하여야 한다
The fine shall not exceed $300. All records of this meeting shall be destroyed.
4) [예언, 운명] 반드시 ~이리라
All life shall one day be extinct.
7. should
1) shall의 과거
2) [의무, 당연] ~하여야 한다 (= ought to Inf)
You should study hard.
* In fact we should have left an hour ago.
(should have p.p. = ought to have p.p. ; ~했어야 했다(그런데 하지 않았다)
3) [가능성, 기대] 반드시 ~일 것이다 (=ought to Inf)
Since he left at noon, he should have arrived there.
The plane should be landing right on schedule.
4) 주장, 제안, 명령, 권유, 요구의 동사와 함께
: S + V(suggest, propose, recommend,
insist, demand, require, request, ask …) ~
that S + (should) 동사원형 ~
He suggested to me that I (should) take moderate exercise.
I propose that we start a little earlier.
They requested that money be sent at once.
5) It is necessary / essential / imperative / natural / important / desirable
that S + (should) 동사의 원형 ~
It is necessary that he (should) attend the meeting.
It is desirable that you be patient with her.
8. must
1) 용법 : 부정형 must not / mustn’t
과거형 had to (필요,의무, 명령) / must have p.p. (추측)
2) [필요, 의무, 명령] ~하여야 한다. (= have to Inf)
We must eat to live. I must be going now.
All students must keep quiet in the library.
3) [금지] (부정문에서) ~해서는 안 된다.
Visitors must not walk on the grass.
4) [강한 추측] ~임에 틀림없다
He must be at home. I see his car in his garage.
* I though you must have lost your way. (must have p.p. ; ~하였음이 틀림없다)
9. need
1) 용법 : 의문문, 부정문에서는 조동사 / 긍정문에서는 본동사의 역할
조동사 need에는 과거형, 부정사, 분사형이 없음. 필요 시 have to 활용
2) [필요] ~할 필요가 있다 (need to Inf)
I need to mow the lawn.
She did not need to be told twice. I don’t need to keep awake, do I?
* 조동사 need를 써서 I needn’t keep awake. 도 가능(구어에서 전자가 일반적)
3) need ~ing 형 (수동의 의미)
My camera needs repairing. (= My camera needs to be repaired.)
* need나 want가 뒤에 동명사를 목적으로 받을 경우 수동의 의미를 지님
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