Chapter 20 기타 특수한 표현
– 병치/공통/생략/삽입/동격/도치/강조/양보/부분부정
1. 병치구문
: 단어와 단어, 구와 구, 절과 절이 등위접속사, 상관접속사 및 비교구문으로 연결될 경우에는 연결되는 것끼리 균형을 이루어야 하는 데, 이를 병치라고 한다. 즉, 두 개 이상의 단어, 구, 절이 등위, 상관접속사에 의해 연결되거나, 비교구문에서 비교의 대상이 될 경우네는 반드시 동일한 품사, 동일한 형태의 구, 동일한 형태의 절이 와야 한다는 것이다.
Jane is young, enthusiastic, and talented.
We learned to read the passage and to underline the main ideas.
This job is offered to those who are able and are willing to carry it out.
She is famous not only in the
Either your voice was too low or I was not listening to you.
To answer accurately is more important than to finish quickly.
In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar to driving a car.
2. 공통관계
: 두 개 이상의 어(구)가 다른 한 어(구)에 어떤 식으로 공통으로 걸리는 경우를 의미하며, 특히 병치구문의 등위접속사와 관련해서 많이 나타난다. 공통관계는 주로 (A+B)*X형과 X*(A+B)형이 있다.
Even in the most progressive age, much the greater part of our activity is, and must be, based upon tradition.
I saw
A great many minerals are useful to and essential for proper health.
Air and water are the most important but the cheapest things.
We can produce electricity when we like, and use it so as to make it our servant.
You speak English as well or better than
Water turns into ice at 0℃ and into steam at 100℃.
3. 생략
: 일반적으로 반복되는 것이 있을 경우 이를 피하기 위하여 생략된다. 특히 생략은 위의 공통관계와도 밀접한 관련이 있다.
1) 반복을 피하기 위한 생략
Some people go the mountain and others (go) to the seaside.
2) when, while, though, if, as if, whenever 등이 이끄는 부사절에서 주어가 주절의 주어와 같고 be동사인 경우에 ‘주어+be동사’는 생략할 수 있다
When (he was) a boy, he liked to play tennis.
Insert commas wherever (they are) needed.
3) 관용적 생략
Good morning. Closed today. …
4) 관계대명사 / 분사구문에서의 생략 등
4. 삽입구문
: 문장 내에서 추가적인 설명을 하기 위하여 단어, 구 또는 절을 문장 중간에 끼워 넣는 것을 삽입구문이라고 한다. 이때 삽입된 구문은 생략해도 문법적으로 지장이 없다.
It is difficult, if not possible, to meet the movie star.
He is, let me see, thirty years old now.
The man is, as it were, a walking dictionary.
The student, as I told you before, is a very brilliant.
He is handsome, clever, and what is more, very rich.
They discovered that people who were given popularity rankings were more likely to select what the Web site claimed were favorite choices.
5. 동격관계
: 명사 또는 명사 상당어구가 앞에 나온 낱말과 equal 관계로서 설명, 수식하는 경우를 동격관계라 한다. 이에는 명사, 부정사, 명사절 등이 사용된다. 명사나 명사구인 동격어구의 경우에는 동격관계를 이루는 명사나 명사구의 앞 또는 뒤에 위치할 수 있으며, 단 comma의 사용법이 달라진다.
Mr. Brown, an English teacher, lives in the next door. (명사 뒤에 위치)
= An English teacher, Mr. Brown lives in the next door. (명사 앞에 위치)
Graham Bell, an American scientist, invented the telephone.
I am apt to judge my fellow men in comparison with myself, a wrong and foolish thing to do.
He gave up the idea of borrowing money. (동격의 of)
The fact that he is poor is known to everybody. (동격의 that)
[참고] That 의 용법
A. 지시형용사
What is that loud noise?
B. 지시대명사
This is better than that.
That’s what I want to say.
Work and play are both good for the health; this(=the latter, 후자) gives us rest, and that(=the former, 전자) gives us energy.
C. 접속사
1) 명사절 유도
That father did not scold me surprised me.
(=It surprised
me that father did not scold
The trouble is that we are short of money. (보어절)
I heard (that) you’ve been abroad. (목적절)
There was no hope that she would recover her health. (동격절)
The actress hid the fact that she was married. (동격절)
2) 부사절 유도
The meeting became so disorderly that the speaker had to shout into the microphone. (so ~ that ~ 구문)
There was such a crowd that we could hardly move. (such ~ that 구문)
Turn it so that I can see it. (so that 구문)
D. 관계사 (형용사절)
He is the greatest novelist that has ever lived.
I know the very person that will do the job quickly.
This is the watch (that) I bought yesterday.
E. It ~ that ~ 강조구문
It is you that are to blame.
It was on Monday that it happened.
It was not until he was fifty that he started to write.
6. 도치구문
: 특정한 말을 강조하고자 할 때 그 말이 문장 앞에 오고 이에 따라 주어와 동사의 위치가 바뀌는 것을 도치구문이라고 한다.
1) 동사구 도치 : 동사구 전체가 주어 앞으로 이동
- 형용사나 분사인 보어가 문두로 이동 시
- 장소나 방향을 나타내는 부사구가 문두로
이동 시.
단, 동사가 자동사인 경우 만
Hidden was the truth.
On the bench sat the man.
= on the bench, the man sat. (comma가 있을 경우는 도치시키지 않음)
cf) The evidence, they found. (목적어의 경우 도치 시키지 않음)
2) 조동사 / be 동사 도치 : 조동사나 be 동사가 도치, 일반동사는 조동사 do가 사용
- 부정어구가 문두로 이동 시
- only + 부사(구/절)이 문두로 이동 시
Never was he so excited
Rarely does Annie eat Indian food.
Not until she took medicine did she feel better.
Not only did Jim get good grades, but he also was good at sports.
Only on Saturday is the movie sold out.
3) 기타 유의할 사항
a. 비교에 사용하는 접속사 than이나 as 뒤에서는 주어가 대명사가 아니면 주어와 대동사의 위치를 바꿔 써도 된다.
Mammals have a larger, more well-developed brain than do other animals.
b. 5형식 문장에서 목적어가 길 경우 목적보어와 자리 바꿀 수 있다.
단, 목적어가 to 부정사 또는 that 절일 경우에는 가목적어 it을 사용해야 함.
X-rays make visible details that are otherwise impossible to observe.
cf) I find it difficult to talk to you about anything serious.
7. 강조 구문
1) It is ~ that 강조구문
: It is ~ that 강조구문에서는 It is 다음에 ‘강조하고자 하는 단어·구·절’ 이 오고 that 다음에 ‘강조한 단어·구·절’ 이 빠진 문장이 오게 됩니다. 한편, 강조구문은 평서문 뿐 아니라 의문문에서도 이용될 수 있습니다.
John broke the window yesterday.
→ It was John that(=who) broke the windows yesterday.
→ It was the windows that (=which) John broke yesterday.
→ It was yesterday that John broke the window.
I wrote this post when I was home.
→ It was when I was home that I wrote this post.
One does not know how valuable health is until one gets ill.
→ It is not until one gets ill that one knows how valuable health is.
cf) Not until one gets ill does one know how valuable health is.
(도치에 의한 강조)
l 의문문을 강조한 경우 ‘Is it ~ that~’의 형태를 띄게 됨. 단, 의문사를 이용한 의문문의 경우에서 ‘의문사+is+it+that ~’의 어순을 가짐
Do you like him?
→ Is it him that you like?
Whom do you love?
→ Whom is it that you love?
2) 동사 강조 (조동사 do 사용)
I do think it’s a pity.
Do come to see me again.
Do be quiet!
3) 도치에 의한 강조
4) 분사의 강조용법 (분사 + as + 주어 + do)
As I live in a remote village, I rarely have visitors.
→ Living as I do in a remote village, I rarely have visitors.
Standing as it does on the hill, the villa commands a fine view.
5) 반복을 이용한 강조
He studied on and on for hours and hours.
She became more and more famous.
It's getting warmer and warmer.
6) 강조어구 사용 : very, on earth, in the world, ever 등
She is very pretty.
What in the world happen to meet you here.
Who on earth are you?
8. 양보구문
1) in spite of, despite, notwithstanding, for all, with all (~에도 불구하고, ~)
regardless of, irrespective of, without regard to (~에 관계없이)
Despite his poverty, he is happy
He went home without regard to his situation.
2) If, even if, though, even though, although (비록 ~라 할지라도)
She is a foolish, if pretty, girl.
cf) I don’t care if you go or not. (whether 대용)
Though he is poor, he is happy.
3) 명사, 형용사, 부사 + as + S + V ~ : 명사에 관사 붙지 않음.
A child as he is, he is wise. (X)
Child as he is, he is wise. (O)
= Though he is a child, he is wise.
4) whoever / however / whatever = no matter who / how / what
Whoever says so, I will not believe it.
= No matter who says so, I will not believe it.
Whatever you may do, you must do your best.
= No matter what you may do, you must do your best.
However clever a boy you may be, you can't solve the problem.
5) 원형 + 의문사 + S + 조동사 ~
원형 + as + S + 조동사 ~ (~하더라도, 일지라도)
Go where you may, you must take care of you family.
= Wherever you may go, you must take care of you family.
= No matter where you may go, you must take care of you family.
Try as you may, you can't solve the problem.
= However hard you may try, you can't solve the problem.
6) Be it ever so + 형용사, ~ (아무리 ~ 일지라도)
Let it be ever so + 형용사, ~
However + 형용사 + it may be, ~
Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.
= However humble it may be, there is no place like home.
7) Whether + S + 동사원형 ~ or ~ = 동사원형 +S ~ or ~
Whether it be true or not, I will not believe it.
Be it true or not, I will not believe it.
8) 최상급이 양보로 쓰이기도 한다.
The wisest man does not know everything.
(가장 현명한 사람일지라도 모든 것을 다 아는 것은 아니다.)
9. 부분부정
: 전체가 아니라 일부 만을 부정하는 형태로 주로 ‘다~한 것은 아니라’로 해석된다
1) every, all, both 등이 부정어와 함께 사용되면 부분부정이 된다.
I know both of them. (둘 다 안다 ; 완전긍정)
I don’t know both of them. (둘 다 아는 것은 아니다 ; 부분부정)
I don’t know either of them. (둘 다 모른다 ; 완전부정)
I did not invite all of them. (부분부정)
cf) I did not invite any of them. = I invited none of them. (완전부정)
Everybody does not like her. (부분부정)
cf) Nobody likes her. (완전부정)
2) 부정어와 always, altogether, absolutely, completely, entirely, wholly 등이 결합될 때 부분부정이 된다
The rich are not always happy. (부분부정)
cf) The rich are never happy. (완전부정)
Not all of the crew completely happy.
You are not entirely free from blame.
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